May 2019 Goals Update!

May 2019 Goals Update!

I made a big dent in my consumer debt this month, but I did transfer some savings to do it because (A) I had a large payment due and I would have had to incur interest if I didn’t pay it…I also changed my W4 allowances because apparently I have had 0 withholdings since I got this job 2017. That’s crazy! Each paycheck is now ~$100 more, which means I’ve freed up ~$200/mo for reducing that consumer debt.

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Money Lessons I Learned from Friends: Monica Geller

Money Lessons I Learned from Friends: Monica Geller

Monica serves as a romantic foil to Rachel’s absurd dating successes, reminding Rachel that sometimes when men say they’re going to call, they’re not actually going to call. She’s afraid she’ll never find a partner. She’s particular about…everything. And she’s almost always right. I relate to Monica a lot. And she learns (and teaches) quite a few financial lessons to which I certainly can relate, and I’m hoping you can too!

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Money Lessons I Learned from Friends: Joey Tribbiani

Money Lessons I Learned from Friends: Joey Tribbiani

Joey…I’m trying to find the words to describe this [guy] without being disrespectful. Joey doesn’t share food, but he does share his money with his friends when he has it (which is admittedly rare) and he learned a lot of money lessons the hard way.

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Money Lessons I Learned from Friends: Ross Geller

Money Lessons I Learned from Friends: Ross Geller

One of Ross’s “things” is that he enthusiastically loads up on hotel toiletries and other “free” items in hotel rooms. Chandler gets into it and returns with some great items (USA Today, two apples - “Nice! We’re only 4 apples short of a bushel!” squeals Ross), but the record scratches when Chandler reveals salt and pepper shakers. Ross is beyond appalled and tells him: “You have to find the line between stealing and taking what the hotel owes you.”

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Approaching Debt Repayment as a Moderator Instead of an Abstainer Will Make Your Life Easier

Approaching Debt Repayment as a Moderator Instead of an Abstainer Will Make Your Life Easier

Completely putting off entire types of wealthbuilding is NOT for everyone. And some personal finance gurus and bloggers preach Abstention from Wealthbuilding Until All Debt is Paid like it is the Gospel. So what are your choices and how do you know which one will work for you?

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I Dreamed I Got Fired & Now I’m Fired-Proofing My Finances

I Dreamed I Got Fired & Now I’m Fired-Proofing My Finances

I woke up breathless. I reminded myself I hadn’t been fired. Then I had a moment of actual, non-dream panic. What if this is foreshadowing? Then it hit me as I was lying in my bed, surrounded by the many boxes I had not yet unpacked: I haven’t been fired, but if I lost my job, I’d be in a realll bad situation.

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Three Ways I'm Reducing My Expenses with Basically No Effort

Three Ways I'm Reducing My Expenses with Basically No Effort

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not frugal, and I don’t try to cut corners in literally every possible way in my life. But I do waste money, and no matter how much money you make, it never hurts to make a conscious effort to spend less in some areas to have more for other areas!

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